The best Sunglasses for your Face Shape

Which Sunglasses Will Suit Your Face Shape? An Easy Guide To Putting Your Best Face Forward This Summer

Sunglasses are one of the easiest (and funnest) ways to express your individual personality. You can bring them anywhere, all year round, and they can often be the finishing touch you need to complete the perfect outfit.

Looking for the perfect sunglasses this summer? We've got you.

With this easy guide, you'll discover that there's a frame for everyone, and we can tell what's the best fit for you.

What face shape do you have?

So many glasses, only so many days of the year. It can be tough to streamline down your choices when it comes to choosing sunnies but the key is to find sunglasses that work in harmony with your facial features.

Frames can either complement or clash with your face shape—so a general rule is for balance and proportion; the frame shape should be in contrast with the face shape.

Basically, there are five main categories of face shape, and it is likely that you have one of the following:

● Oval
● Round
● Square
● Triangular
● Heart

While nobody has a perfect round, heart, or any shape from the categories, and most faces are a combination, you can figure out what shape looks the most like yours by reading the guidelines below.


If you happen to have an oval face shape, then you're in luck! Many different types of sunglasses match an oval face, and this means you can make bold selections and play with colours and textures.

For an oval face shape, your forehead and jawline are approximately the same width, and your face is generally longer than it is wide.

But with most frames that work harmoniously with your face shape, of course, the best one still exists.

Oversized frames look flattering for oval shapes. Square sunglasses, particularly, are excellent choices for the shape as sharp angles will provide contrasting edges to your softer features.

If you want a slimmer look, rectangular frames can break up your face structure and make your face thinner and longer.


Round face shapes are usually pretty symmetrical in proportion.

Most likely, your face is about the same width and length, and you have a round jawline and chin. No major angles or edges are visible, and your cheekbones aren't particularly prominent.

If you have this kind of face shape, you would want to go for bold angular or geometric frames to underplay the circular appearance of your face and add definition and depth to your features.

Rectangular frames would also compliment your face shape and create the illusion of length to make your face thinner and longer.

Pro tip: Avoid round frames as this will ultimately draw attention and exaggerate your round facial features.


Square-shaped faces are typically defined by a strong, angular jawline and relatively similar proportion on the jaw, forehead and cheekbones. This face shape is as long as it is wide.

Obviously, to contrast these features, a round frame with a width that is slightly wider than the cheekbone is the perfect match.

For a fun and flirty look, an oval frame can also do the trick to soften your sharp angles and add balance to your face.


If your face is widest at the jaw and gradually narrows through the forehead, these features indicate a triangle-shaped face.

Since triangle-shaped faces are narrow on top and widest on the bottom, sunglasses that mirror this shape are essential to illuminate symmetry. Opt for frames that are bold on top and light on the bottom.

Cat-eye sunglasses or D-frames will draw attention away from your jawline and elongate your forehead. To add more width to the upper portion of your face, try frames that are heavily accented with colour and details on the top.


Heart shapes are thought to be the most versatile face shape, characterized by a wider forehead, pointy chin and narrow jawline. If that sounds like you, you would want to opt for bottom-heavy frames to give your chin more width and less to your forehead. Wayfarer frames are excellent for a heart-shaped face as they give subtle contrast to balance your forehead with your chin.

To elongate your face, choose light-coloured frames, most preferably with thin temples or embellished bottoms.

Eyewear is meant to balance and contrast your facial features. Despite the variety of styles available in the market and fashion constantly shifting fashion trends, it's still important to consider your taste. Remember, what looks best on you is subjective, so don't be afraid of just diving into a look you love.